Source code for sphinxcontrib.argdoc.test.cases.c9_subsubparsers

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Subcommands of subcommands

In this test case, we test a parser that has its own arguments as well as
multiple subcommands, which have their own subcommands that must be
included as subsections within them. Here, the ``foo`` subcommand has
subcommands, but the ``bar`` subcommand does not.
import argparse
import sys

foo_help = "Run the ``foo`` subcommand"
foo_desc = """This is a long description of what a ``foo`` program might do.
It spans multiple lines, so that we can test things reasonably.

subfoo1_help = "Run the ``subfoo1`` subcommand of the ``foo`` subcommand"
subfoo2_help = "Run the ``subfoo2`` subcommand of the ``foo`` subcommand"
subfoo3_help = "Run the ``subfoo3`` subcommand of the ``foo`` subcommand"

subfoo1_desc = "Subcommands of subcommands are an unusual use case, but it seemed worth testing"
subfoo2_desc = """This is a multi-line subcommand description intended to test whether or not
:data:`sphinxcontrib.argdoc` can correctly format these. If this text is correctly formatted, it will
end at the end of this sentence."""

bar_help = "Take output from ``foo`` subprogram and run it through the ``bar`` subprogram"
bar_desc = """This is the long description for the ``bar`` subprogram."""

[docs]def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("mainarg1") parser.add_argument("mainarg2",help="main positional argument #2") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="subcommands", description="choose one of the following:", dest="program") fooparser = subparsers.add_parser("foo", help=foo_help, description=foo_desc) barparser = subparsers.add_parser("bar", help=bar_help, description=bar_desc) fooparser.add_argument("fooarg1",help="foo argument 1") fooparser.add_argument("fooarg2",help="foo argument 2") fooparser.add_argument("-f",help="short foo argument",type=str) fooparser.add_argument("--fookwarg",help="foo keyword argument",type=str) fooparser.add_argument("-v","--verbose",help="foo verbosely") foosubs = fooparser.add_subparsers(title="subcommands of the ``foo`` subcommand", description="this is indeed unusual", dest="foosubprogram") foosubs.add_parser("subfoo1",help=subfoo1_help,description=subfoo1_desc) foosubs.add_parser("subfoo2",help=subfoo2_help,description=subfoo2_desc) foosubs.add_parser("subfoo3",help=subfoo3_help) barparser.add_argument("bararg",help="bar argument") barparser.add_argument("--choice",choices=("option1","option2","option3"), help="A keyword that requries a choice") bgroup = barparser.add_argument_group(title="An argument group", description="A special goup of arguments in the ``bar`` subparser") bgroup.add_argument("--b1") bgroup.add_argument("--b2",help="Argument 2 has help (bar argument 1 did not have help)") bgroup.add_argument("-k",nargs=2,metavar="N",help="Some other argument") args = parser.parse_args(argv)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()