Source code for sphinxcontrib.argdoc.ext

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Functions that constitute the :data:`sphinxcontrib.argdoc` extension for `Sphinx`_.

User functions
    Function decorator that forces :data:`sphinxcontrib.argdoc` to skip a :term:`main-like function`
    it would normally process
Developer functions

    Extract tables of arguments from an :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser`
    and from all of its subprograms, then format their descriptions and
    help text.

    Extract tables from all subcommand
    :class:`ArgumentParsers <argparse.ArgumentParser>`
    contained by an enclosing :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser`

    Event handler that activates :data:`sphinxcontrib.argdoc` upon `autodoc-process-docstring`

    Register :data:`sphinxcontrib.argdoc` with the running `Sphinx`_ instance
import sys
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import os
import codecs

import sphinx
from sphinx.errors import ConfigError

__author__  = "Joshua Griffin Dunn"

# INDEX: various constants
"""Other `Sphinx`_ extensions required by :data:`sphinxcontrib.argdoc`"""

_HEADERS = "=-~._\"'^;"

[docs]def safeunicode(inp): """Convert a string to unicode in a Python 2.7/3.x-safe way Parameters ---------- inp : str Input string Returns ------- unicode (Python 2.7) or string (Python 3.x) utf-8 encoded representation of `inp` """ if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and isinstance(inp,str): return unicode(inp,"utf-8") else: return inp
_PLACEHOLDER_CONSTANT = "ARGDOCPOSITIONALARGUMENT " _OTHER_HEADER_LINES = safeunicode("""Script contents ---------------""").split("\n") _SEPARATOR = safeunicode("\n------------\n\n").split("\n") #=============================================================================== # INDEX: helper functions for token parsing and text formatting #===============================================================================
[docs]def get_patterns(prefix_chars="-"): """Retrieve a dictionary of regular expressions that separate argument names from their values and descriptions Parameters ---------- prefix_chars : str, optional String of prefix characters that the :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` uses (Default: `'-'`) Returns ------- dict Dictionary of regular expression patterns """ all_patterns = {} esc_prefix_chars = prefix_chars for char in "-+*?[]{}()": esc_prefix_chars = esc_prefix_chars.replace(char,"\%s" % char) for char in prefix_chars: if char in "-+*?[]{}()": esc_char = "\%s" % char else: esc_char = char patterns = { "section_title" : r"^(\w+.*):$", "positional_arg" : r"^ (?P<arg1>[^{}\sALL]+)(?:\s\s+(?P<desc>\w+.*))?$".replace("ALL",esc_prefix_chars), "arg_only" : r"^ (?P<arg1>-+[^\s,]+)(?:, (?P<arg2>--[^\s]+))?$".replace("-",esc_char), "arg_plus_val" : r"^ (?P<arg1>-+[^\s]+)(?P<val1>(?: [^ALL\s]+)+)(?:(?:, (?P<arg2>--[^\s]+))(?P<val2>(?: [^\s]+)+))?$".replace("-",esc_char).replace("ALL",esc_prefix_chars), "arg_plus_desc" : r"^ (?P<arg1>-+[^\s]+)(?:,\s(?P<arg2>--[^\s]+))?\s\s+(?P<desc>.*)".replace("-",esc_char), "arg_plus_val_desc" : r"^ (?P<arg1>-+[^\s]+)(?P<val1>(?: [^ALL\s]+)+)(?:(?:, (?P<arg2>--[^\s]+))(?P<val2>(?: [^\s]+)+))? +(?P<desc>\w+.*)$".replace("-",esc_char).replace("ALL",esc_prefix_chars), "continue_desc" : r"^ {12,24}(.*)", "section_desc" : r"^ ((?:[^ALL\s][^\s]*)(?:\s[^\s]+)+)$".replace("ALL",esc_prefix_chars), "subcommand_names" : r"^ {((?:\w+)(?:(?:,(?:\w+))+)?)}$", "subcommand_name" : r"^ (?P<arg1>[^{}\sALL]+)(?:\s\s+(?P<desc>\w+.*))?$".replace("ALL",esc_prefix_chars), # same as positional arg, but with more leading space } all_patterns[char] = { K : re.compile(V) for K,V in patterns.items() } return all_patterns
[docs]def get_col1_text(matchdict): """Format argument name(s) and value(s) for column 1 of argument tables Parameters ---------- matchdict : dict Dictionary of values Returns ------- str (unicode if Python 2.7) """ if "val1" in matchdict: tmpstr = "``%s %s``" % (matchdict["arg1"],matchdict["val1"]) if matchdict.get("arg2") is not None: tmpstr += (", ``%s %s``" % (matchdict["arg2"],matchdict["val2"])) else: tmpstr = "``%s``" % matchdict["arg1"] if matchdict.get("arg2") is not None: tmpstr += (", ``%s``" % matchdict["arg2"]) return safeunicode(tmpstr)
[docs]def get_col2_text(matchdict): """Format argument descriptions, if present, for column 2 of argument tables Parameters ---------- matchdict : dict Dictionary of values Returns ------- str (unicode if Python 2.7) """ # line below looks weird- but coming out of regex matches, # often 'desc' *is* defined with value `None` tmpstr = matchdict.get("desc","") if matchdict.get("desc") is not None else "" return safeunicode(tmpstr)
[docs]def make_rest_table(rows,title=False,indent=0): """Make a reStructuredText table from a list of rows of items Parameters ---------- rows : list of tuples A row of text to put in the table, each tuple item a cell title : bool, optional If `True`, the first pair is assumed to contain column headings (Default: `False`) indent_size : int, optional Number of spaces prepend to each line of output (Default: `0`) Returns ------- list List of strings, corresponding to multi-line `reStructuredText`_ table """ columns = list(zip(*rows)) lengths = [1 + max([len(X) for X in Y]) for Y in columns] if title == True: lengths = [X+4 for X in lengths] border = [] template = [] for n, my_length in enumerate(lengths): border.append(safeunicode("="*my_length)) template.append(safeunicode("{%s: <%ss}" % (n,my_length))) border = safeunicode(" ").join(border) template = safeunicode(" ").join(template) lines = [border] n = 0 if title == True: title_row = [safeunicode("**%s**") % X for X in rows[0]] lines.append(template.format(*tuple(title_row))) lines.append(border.replace("=","-")) n = 1 for items in rows[n:]: lines.append(template.format(*items)) lines.append(border) lines.append(safeunicode("")) if indent > 0: tmp = safeunicode(" "*indent) lines = [tmp+X if len(X) > 0 else X for X in lines] return lines
[docs]def format_warning(topline,details): """Format warning text clearly Parameters ---------- topline : str One-line description of warning details : str Multiline, detailed description of warning (e.g. exception info) Returns ------- str Multiline warning message, formatted """ border = "-"*75 + "\n" out = border out += ("[argdoc] %s\n" % topline) out += details out += border return out #=============================================================================== # INDEX: function decorator #===============================================================================
[docs]def noargdoc(func): """Decorator that forces :data:`sphinxcontrib.argdoc` to skip processing of `func` Parameters ---------- func : function :term:`main-like function` of a script Returns ------- func wrapped function """ func.__dict__["noargdoc"] = True return func #=============================================================================== # INDEX: documentation generation functions #===============================================================================
[docs]def get_subcommand_tables(app,obj,help_lines,patterns,start_line,command_chain="",section_head=True,header_level=1): """Process help output from an :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` that includes one or more subcommands. Called by :func:`format_argparser_as_docstring` Parameters ---------- app Sphinx application instance obj : object Object (e.g. module, class, function) to document help_lines : list List of strings, each corresponding to a line of output from having passed ``--help`` as an argument to the :term:`main-like function` patterns : dict Dictionary names of line types in argparse output to regular expression patterns that process those line types start_line : int Line in argparse help output containing subcommand header section_head : bool, optional If `True`, a section header for "Command-line arguments" will be included in the output. (Default: `True`) pre_args : int, optional Number of arguments required to be supplied before subcommand help can be retrieved (Default: `0`) header_level : int, optional Level of header to use for `section_name`. Lower numbers are higher precedence. (Default: `1`) Returns ------- list List of strings encoding reStructuredText table of command-line arguments for all subprograms in the containing argparser """ out_lines = [] base = list(patterns.values())[0] for line in help_lines[start_line:]: match = base["subcommand_names"].search(line.strip("\n")) if match is not None: subcommands = match.groups()[0].split(",") break app.debug("[argdoc] %s subcommands: %s" % (obj.__name__,", ".join(subcommands))) for subcommand in subcommands: try: newname = command_chain.replace(_PLACEHOLDER_CONSTANT,"").replace(" "," ").split() newname.append(subcommand) newname ="-".join(newname) callstr = "%s -m %s %s %s %s%shelp" % (sys.executable, obj.__name__, command_chain, subcommand, app.config.argdoc_prefix_chars[0], app.config.argdoc_prefix_chars[0]) app.debug("[argdoc] Parsing subcommand %s with as `%s`" % (subcommand,callstr)) call = shlex.split(callstr) out = subprocess.check_output(call,env=os.environ.copy()) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: out = unicode(out,"utf-8") elif sys.version_info[0] == 3: out = out.decode("utf-8") sub_help_lines = out.split("\n") new_command_chain = command_chain + (" %s " % subcommand) out_lines.extend(format_argparser_as_docstring(app, obj, sub_help_lines, patterns, section_head=section_head, header_level=header_level+1, section_name=safeunicode("``%s`` subcommand" % newname), _is_subcommand=True, command_chain=new_command_chain)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: note = "Could not call module %s as '%s'. Output:\n"% (obj.__name__, " ".join(e.cmd)) msg = format_warning(note,e.output) app.warn(msg) return out_lines
[docs]def format_argparser_as_docstring(app,obj,help_lines,patterns, section_head=True,section_name=safeunicode("Command-line arguments"), header_level=1, _is_subcommand=False, command_chain="", ): """Process help output from an :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser`. Called by :func:`post_process_automodule` and :func:`get_subcommand_tables` Parameters ---------- app Sphinx application instance obj : object Object (e.g. module, class, function) to document help_lines : list List of strings, each corresponding to a line of output from having passed ``--help`` as an argument to the :term:`main-like function` patterns : dict Dictionary names of line types in argparse output to regular expression patterns that process those line types section_head : bool, optional If `True`, a section header for "Command-line arguments" will be included. This messes up parsing for function docstrings, but is fine for module docstrings (Default: `False`). section_name : str, optional A name or title for the current program or subcommand. (Default: `'Command-line arguments'`) header_level : int, optional Level of header to use for `section_name`. Lower numbers are higher precedence. (Default: `1`) _is_subcommand : bool, optional If `True`, include module docstring in output. Required for subcommands whose help won't be included by in the module docstring found by autodoc. (Default: `False`) Returns ------- list List of strings encoding reStructuredText table of arguments for program or subprogram """ base = list(patterns.values())[0] started = False has_subcommands = False subcommand_start = 0 out_lines = [] # lines we will output positional_args = 0 # markers for beginning and end of subcommand docstring descriptions desc_start = None desc_end = None # the following are wiped & re-initialized for each section col1 = ["Argument"] # holder for column 1 contents: argument names col2 = ["Description"] # holder for column 2 contents: argument descriptions section_title = [] # title of current section section_desc = [] # description of current section unmatched = [] for n,line in enumerate(help_lines): line = line.rstrip() if _is_subcommand == True and desc_start is None: # subcommand descriptions are not automatically added by autodoc, # so we need to track them ourselves if line.strip() == "": desc_start = n+1 if started == True: if len(line.strip()) == 0 and len(col1) > 1 and len(col2) > 1: # if current argument group is finished, format table of arguments for export # and append it to `out_lines` if len(col1) != len(col2): app.warn("[argdoc] Column mismatch in section '%s'. col1 %s, col2 %s rows." % (section_title,len(col1),len(col2))) out_lines.append(safeunicode("")) out_lines.extend(section_title) out_lines.extend(section_desc) out_lines.append(safeunicode("")) out_lines.extend(make_rest_table(list(zip(col1,col2)),title=True,indent=_INDENT_SIZE)) out_lines.extend(unmatched) # reset section-specific variables section_title = [] section_desc = [] col1 = ["Argument"] col2 = ["Description"] unmatched = [] else: matchdict = None match = None for pat in ["section_title", "section_desc", "positional_arg", "arg_only", "arg_plus_val", "continue_desc", "arg_plus_desc", "arg_plus_val_desc", "subcommand_names", "subcommand_name", ]: for char in patterns.keys(): if match is None: match = patterns[char][pat].match(line) if match is not None: app.debug2("[argdoc] %s\n %s\n" % (pat,line)) if pat == "section_title": match = base["section_title"].match(line) section_title = [match.groups()[0].capitalize(), _HEADERS[header_level+1]*len(match.groups()[0]), ] break elif pat == "section_desc": section_desc.append(line) break elif pat == "continue_desc": try: col2[-1] = safeunicode("%s %s" % (col2[-1],match.groups()[0].strip("\n"))) except IndexError as e: app.warn("[argdoc] continuing description with no prior description on line %s: \n %s" % (n,line)) assert False break elif pat == "positional_arg": matchdict = match.groupdict() col1.append(get_col1_text(matchdict)) col2.append(get_col2_text(matchdict)) positional_args += 1 break elif pat == "subcommand_names": has_subcommands = True subcommand_start = n break elif pat == "subcommand_name": matchdict = match.groupdict() col1.append(get_col1_text(matchdict)) col2.append(get_col2_text(matchdict)) if has_subcommands == False: app.warn("[argdoc] found subcommand-like line but no subcommands at line %s:\n %s" % (n,line)) break else: matchdict = match.groupdict() col1.append(get_col1_text(matchdict)) col2.append(get_col2_text(matchdict)) break if match is None: # triggered if epilog, or if other unmatched lines if len(line.strip()) > 0: app.debug2("[argdoc] No match. Epilog?\n%s\n" % line.strip()) line = safeunicode(line) out_lines.append(line) else: app.debug2("[argdoc] blank line") # FIXME: # this is how we test where argument descriptions begin in ``--help`` text # at present we look for an explicit 'arguments:' token, which allows argdoc # to deal with lines of helptext that have trailing colons but which don't start # argument sections (which a regex would fail at) # # BUT, if an argument parser has no line that says "arguments:" in its helptext, # argdoc will fail # # we need a better test, which will be more portable elif line.endswith("arguments:"): # Found first argument section. Create command-line argument heading started = True desc_end = n if section_head == True: stmp1 = section_name stmp2 = _HEADERS[header_level]*len(section_name) out_lines.extend(_SEPARATOR) out_lines.append(safeunicode(stmp1)) out_lines.append(safeunicode(stmp2)) # if is a subcommand, put cached description under heading if _is_subcommand == True: out_lines.extend(help_lines[desc_start:desc_end]) # Create paragraph header for the argument section match = base["section_title"].match(line) section_title = [match.groups()[0].capitalize(), _HEADERS[header_level+1]*len(match.groups()[0]), ] if has_subcommands == True: # parse subcommand argparsers after main, and append output below command_chain = command_chain + (_PLACEHOLDER_CONSTANT*positional_args) new_lines = get_subcommand_tables(app, obj, help_lines, patterns, subcommand_start, section_head=section_head, header_level=header_level+2, command_chain=command_chain, ) out_lines.extend(new_lines) return out_lines
[docs]def post_process_automodule(app,what,name,obj,options,lines): """Insert a table listing and describing an executable script's command-line arguments into its ``:automodule:`` documentation. Any :term:`main-like function` decorated with the :func:`noargdoc` decorator will be skipped. A function is determined to be a :term:`main-like function` if its name matches the name set in the configuration option `argdoc_main_func` inside ````. The default value for `argdoc_main_func` is `main`. Notes ----- Per the `autodoc`_ spec, this function modifies `lines` in place. Parameters ---------- app Sphinx application instance what : str Type of object (e.g. "module", "function", "class") name : str Fully-qualified name of object obj : object Object (e.g. module, class, function) to document options : object Options given to the directive, whose boolean properties are set to `True` if their corresponding flag was given in the directive lines : list List of strings encoding the module docstrings after `Sphinx`_ processing Raises ------ :class:`~sphinx.errors.ConfigError` If `argdoc_main_func` is defined in ```` and is not a `str` """ funcname = app.config.argdoc_main_func prefix_chars = app.config.argdoc_prefix_chars patterns = get_patterns(prefix_chars) errmsg = "" if not isinstance(funcname,str): errmsg += "[argdoc] Incorrect type for `argdoc_main_func. Expected `str`, found, `%s` with value `%s`)\n" % (type(funcname),funcname) if len(prefix_chars) == 0: errmsg += "[argdoc] Expected at least one prefix character (e.g. '-'). Found empty string.\n" if len(errmsg) > 0: raise ConfigError(errmsg) if what == "module" and obj.__dict__.get(funcname,None) is not None: if obj.__dict__.get(funcname).__dict__.get("noargdoc",False) == False: app.debug2("[argdoc] Processing module '%s'" % obj.__name__) call = shlex.split("%s -m %s --help".replace("-",prefix_chars[0]) % (sys.executable,name)) try: out = subprocess.check_output(call,env=os.environ.copy()) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: out = unicode(out,"utf-8") elif sys.version_info[0] == 3: out = out.decode("utf-8") help_lines = out.split("\n") out_lines = format_argparser_as_docstring(app,obj,help_lines,section_head=True,header_level=1,patterns=patterns) out_lines += _SEPARATOR lines.extend(out_lines) lines.extend(_OTHER_HEADER_LINES) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: note = "Could not call module %s as '%s'. Output:\n"% (name," ".join(e.cmd)) app.warn(format_warning(note,e.output)) except IndexError as e: note = "Error processing argparser into docstring for module %s: \n%s" % (name,e.message) details = "\n\n%s\n\n%s" % (e.args,e) app.warn(format_warning(note,details)) if app.config.argdoc_save_rst == True: filename = os.path.join(app.outdir,"%s_postargdoc.rst" % name) with,encoding="utf-8",mode="wb") as fout: for n,line in enumerate(lines): try: line = safeunicode(line) fout.write(line) fout.write(safeunicode("\n")) except Exception as e: app.warn("[argdoc] Could not write out line %s of file %s." % (n,name)) fout.close() app.emit("argdoc-process-docstring",what,name,obj,options,lines)