sphinxcontrib.argdoc.test.cases.c1_argument_group module

Argument groups with short, long, or no descriptions

ArgumentParser allows organization of arguments into argument groups, which can make things more intelligible for users. sphinxcontrib.argdoc styles argument groups as separate, paragraph-level sections, with their descriptions (if present) appearing below the title, followed by the arguments in each group, formatted as a table. Examples appear here below.

Command-line arguments

Positional arguments

Argument Description
mainarg2 main positional argument #2

Optional arguments

Argument Description
-h, --help show this help message and exit

One group of arguments

Sometimes it is useful to group arguments that relate to each other in an argument group. This can make command-line help, documentation, and source code more intelligible to others

Argument Description
fooarg1 foo argument 1
fooarg2 foo argument 2
-f  F short foo argument
--fookwarg  FOOKWARG foo keyword argument
-v  VERBOSE, --verbose  VERBOSE foo verbosely

A second group of arguments

Description of second argument group

Argument Description
bararg bar argument
--choice  {option1,option2,option3} A keyword that requries a choice

A final group of arguments, with no description

Argument Description
bazarg baz argument
--numbers  M M M numerical argument
-z  ZOOM, --zoom  ZOOM zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Script contents

sphinxcontrib.argdoc.test.cases.c1_argument_group.main(argv=['-T', '-E', '-b', 'readthedocs', '-D', 'language=en', '.', '_build/html'])[source]